Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My best idea this far.

Inspired to design a padded valance for a customer who liked Asian, I leapt into action (no Wonder Woman suit required)  After several Google searches for photos of Pagoda style valances, I just went off the inspiration of the roof lines of the buildings that popped in the search.  I started with brown paper...cutting out half the design and putting it up on a wall to critique...several changes occured over several days, and here is the final shape. Constructed using Rowley's bendable plywood.

Here is a close up of the shape...
Then I had to make a complimentary valance for a small, restricted space... originally, it was going to be asymetrical, but the paper pattern looked dumb in the I went back to the drawing board and came up with this. 
Since I made the above valances, another customer wanted her own fringe on this one...but the fabric is more ornate...still, I wanted to add some sort of fringe.
I have a few more ideas to embellish this idea, so I will keep you updated...

Until then, check out my website for more photos of my work...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sewing with God

Many years ago, while taking a quilting class, I heard that the Amish would make one block intentionally wrong, based on the belief that only God can make something perfect, and they would not presume to do the same.  It was such a beautiful thought, that I never forgot it.

At the time, I wasn't deeply immersed into my own relationship with God. But a few years later,  as I started my business, I found myself spending hours alone. I was sewing, daydreaming, watching TV and I started listening to Catholic Radio to break up the monotony.  I found it so compelling, I started reading about my childhood faith.  I spent hours contemplating my need for God and spirituality in my life.  It gave me so much peace to know that I was loved perfectly by my creator.

It had a profound effect on me, all that time spent praying and working, Ora et Labora. This rule of St. Benedict has a long history in Monastic life for a reason.   It has changed my life forever, and for that I am so grateful.

It doesn't surprise me that many of the Women that I meet who sew for a living are very spiritual.  It is easy to grow close to God when you are hand sewing a long hem into a panel of draperies.  Trying to get it perfect, but never being able to quite duplicate God's creative perfection.

I'm okay with that.